Estate of Leota Goodluck
The following Real Estate and personal property will be offered on the premises being 156 E Main St. Benton Ridge, OH 45816 OPEN HOUSES: FEB 8, 15 & 19 5 PM
Benton Ridge, OH
156 East Main St. Benton Ridge OH 45816
Saturday February 20, 2021 at 10 AM.
Selling a family home with 4 bedrooms, dining room, family room w/ fire place, craft room, kitchen, single car garage, in rear is a four car garage. Home heated with Lennox Elite Series furnace. .
Open Houses: February 8, 15 &19 at 5 PM.
TERMS: $3,500.00 deposit day of sale (nonrefundable) with balance due with-in 45 days when a Executor’s Deed & possession will be given. Financing must be prearranged! Not subject to inspections or inspections necessary for finance. Selling in “AS IS” condition any inspections by buyers must be done prior to sale at buyers’ expense. Sellers reserve the right to reject any and all bids but fully intend to sell day of auction.
Upright freezer; whirlpool washer & dryer; refrigerator; 40” elec. range; Sanyo small fridge; small appliances; micro wave; electric 1500 watt heater; set of basket weave dishes; table & chairs; hutch; cake stands; 2 ceramic kilns; lots of ceramics finished & unfinished; oil lamps; nice elec. lamps both floor & table; collection of baby dolls; hall tree; glassware including stem & water; cookware; rocker baby bed; wood rocker horse; wood flat trunk; Stanley 6 wood plane; 10 gallon crock; old sled; Hunter gun holster; Knife; billy club; figurines, several shelves; glassware; bowls; stemware & jug; Thatch seat high chair; Alvis collectables; glass door hutch; knee hole desk; flower vases; 3 ft. brass flower stand; 2 ft. boy drinking on jug; end table w/ rack; small stereo; picnic basket & more baskets; round glass top table; 2 flower stands; curio cabinet; vinyl records; lift top desk; old school desk; shelf; organ stool; lg ceramic elephant; statues; 2 drawer file cabinet; 2 floor lamps; stand w/ marble slab; foot stool; chest of drawers; single bed frame; corner metal stand; 2 dining chairs; bed night stands; wall metal frame mirror; medical bed; coolers; 2 small metal fans; few toys; jig saw; Coleman camp stove; miter saw; set of Corral dinner ware; pitcher & bowl; early elec. Singer sewing machine; large 2 door wood cabinet; kerosene can; folding picnic table; Kirby upright sweeper; Early metal survivor plack; wood folding rocker; B&D trimmer; hand saws; extension cords; more shelves; corner shelf; slaw cutter; arm rocker; china; lantern; many boxes full; close basket; tool chest; elec. heater; large penny glass jug; lard can; (in the big garage there are rows of tables loaded with items)
appliances; hutch, dinnerware, cookware, collections, nice oil and elec. lamps; china cabinet, ceramics & kiln, 10 gallon crock, other antiques, figures, glass items, and furniture. See our full list & pictures @ or auction
Estate of Leota Goodluck, Kathy Dulaney Executor, Ann Rickets attorney
Walter Real Estate & Auctioneers
Ben, Matt Walter & Dave Thomas
901 N. Main St., Findlay, O 45840
Bidding Dates
Feb '21
09:00 AM