Ralph Pratt Estate Auction Farm equipiment and household
INSIDE AUCTION, Wagons in pole barn and furniture sold in the house. ESTATE AUCTION 02810 Twp. Hwy 95 Carey, OH 43316 At Carey’s interchange St.Hwy15 & US Hwy 23 proceed 1 ½ miles west to the SW corner of Twp. Rd. 95.
02810 Twp. Hwy 95 Carey, OH 43316
At Carey’s interchange St.Hwy15 & US Hwy 23 proceed 1 ½ miles west to the SW corner of Twp. Rd. 95.
Saturday November 18, 2017 at 10 AM.
Terms: Cash or checks w/ acceptable ID. MC & Visa + 3%, Not responsible for accidents or for items after sold. No guarantees or warranties implied. Lunch on grounds.
Ralph E. and Rosemary Pratt Estates, Ronald E. Pratt Executor, Kenneth Lather Attorney
Wyandot Co. Probate Case No. 20171064
Walter Bros. Inc. Auctioneers
Ben, Tom, Matt Walter & Kris Gosche
901 N. Main St., Findlay, OH 45840
419-424-0944 www.walterbrosinc.com
Bidding Dates
Nov '17
10:00 AM
Eastern Time (US & Canada)