Wisner Household Goods Auction
PUBLIC AUCTION The following household items will be offered on the premises being 18520 CR 26 Vanlue, Ohio 45890. Saturday October 3, 2020 @ 10 AM
The following household items will be offered on the premises being 18520 CR 26 Vanlue, Ohio 45890.
Saturday October 3, 2020 @ 10 AM
Collectibles: misc glassware; hand painted china & Germany pcs; buttons; picnic basket; wood plane; bird cage & stand; parlor lamp; milk glass; dep pcs; few Findlay pcs; stemware; crocks; jugs; pictures & frames; Shirley Temple doll & other dolls; tote of Barbie's & misc; binoculars; quilts; record albums; toys; games; puzzles; doll house; rockin horse; baskets; corn dryer; milk can; glass top jars; canning jars; flat iron; Vanlue annuals; miniatures; old cameras; pencils; toothpicks; Longenberger basket; Rogers Bros silverware; watering cans; weather vane / rod; yard sticks; wood crates; cast kettle; wood pale; wagon seat; flat irons; soap stone; buggy lamps; tin mailbox; misc. barn items and many other misc.
Furniture: Eastlake stlye dresser / vanity with wood pulls, marble and mirror; oak dresser; Blonde BR suite; bench; youth rockers; Shoninger upright piano with bench; GE record player; arm chair; dresser stand; plank bottom chairs; sewing stand; mag stand; sewing rocker; floral sofa; recliner; high chair; drop leaf stand; wood TV trays; end tables; wing back chair; Duncan Phyfe style DR suite; knee hole desk; elec Singer with cabinet; record cabinet; mirrors; dinette and chairs; school desk; glider and foot stool; vacuums; other misc. Appliances: GE electric range; Kenmore washer & elec dryer; canning cupboard; flat screen tv's; many other misc. items.
We will walk through the old barns and sell misc.: walk behind tractor with implements; field tile; snow fence; benches; some lumber and few other.
Terms: Cash or check with acceptable ID on sale day. Visa or MC + 3% Not responsible for accidents or for items after sold.
Owners: Nathalie Wisner by Barb and Bev POA’s
Walter Real Estate & Auctioneers
Ben, Matt Walter &Kris Gosche
901 N. Main St., Findlay, O 45840
419-424-0944 www.walterbrosinc.com
Bidding Dates
Oct '20
10:00 AM
Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Preview Dates
Pre-bidding Dates
Checkout Dates
Three miles south of SR 15 on TR 193 then west on CR 26