FARMLAND AUCTION Saturday October 5, 2024 @ 10 AM Offered at the OSU Extension office conference room 7868 CR 140 Findlay, OH 45840. 78.499 ac. in Sec. 14 Delaware Twp. Hancock Co. Ohio This 78.499 acres lies SW of Mt. Blanchard Ohio: SR 103 then south two miles on TR 187 to the intersection…
Agricultural Land
100 acres in Sec 16 Amanda Twp. 1/2 south of Vanlue Ohio
ABSOLUTE FARMLAND AUCTION HELD @:OSU Extension Office Conference Room 7868 CR 140 Findlay, Ohio 45840. Thursday September 28, 2023 @ 6 PM SURVEY DONE: 89.126 acres of farmland located in Sec. 21 of Marion Twp. Hancock County Ohio The farm is located ¼ mile East of Findlay City Corp line with frontage onto SR 568…
FARMLAND AUCTION HELD @:OSU Extension Office Conference Room 7868 CR 140 Findlay, Ohio 45840. Saturday September 23, 2023 @ 10 AM 261 acres of prime farmland in Hancock County Ohio. Located in Sec. 9 Jackson Twp & Sec. 18 of Marion Twp TRACTS WILL NOT BE COMBINED TRACT ONE – 160.494 ACRES Located three…
Par 1: 88ac $8350 Par 2: 73ac $8050 Par 3: 49ac $9200 FARMLAND AUCTION Saturday March 25, 2023 @ 10 AM Offered at the Vanlue Community Park Bldg. 211ACRES IN SEC 17, 18, & 20 AMANDA TWP. HANCOCK CO OHIO PARCEL ONE: 88.472 acres with 13.395 acres north of TR 159 with Buck Run…
SOLD: P1: $10,650/ac P2: $15,000/ac P3: $200,000 FARMLAND AUCTION LIVE ON SITE ONLY – HELD @ OSU Extension Office Conference Room 7868 CR 140 Findlay, Ohio 45840. Saturday November 19, 2022 @ 10 AM LOCATED IN SECTIONS 16 & 21 OF MARION TWP. HANCOCK CO. OHIO 93.5 acres next to the City of Findlay located…
P1/2 combo 162.5 ac. $9850/ac. P3: woods $7800/ac. FARMLAND AUCTION HELD @:OSU Extension Office Conference Room 7868 CR 140 Findlay, Ohio 45840. Saturday November 12, 2022 @ 10 AM LOCATED IN SECTION 18 OF DELAWARE TWP. HANCOCK CO OHIO 177.98 Acres offered in three parcels, located SE of Mt. Blanchard Ohio along SR 37. Farm…
SOLD $11,000 / ACRE HANCOCK CO. OHIO FARMLAND AUCTION! HELD @: Arcadia Park Bldg. 301 W Brown Rd. Arcadia, OH. Thursday eve September 29th @ 6PM Located in Sec 27 Washington Twp. Hancock Co. Ohio. Land 2 miles SE of Arcadia Ohio on TR 214 Section 27 of Washington Twp. Selling surveyed acres! 66.66-acre…
The following home & farmland will be offered at public auction on the premises being: 16841 US RT 224 E Findlay, Ohio 45840.